If there is an unauthorized charge on your card, and you believe it was made through Charidy, please follow the instructions below:
- Check with other members of your household to see if they made a recent donation.
A spouse, child, or other family member may have made a donation to a fundraising campaign using this card.
If another member of your household made a donation, and you have not received a receipt for the transaction, please reach out to us using the ‘Submit a Request’ button in the top right corner of this page. Please include the transaction information with your request (the charge descriptor, date, value, and last 4 digits of your card charged).
- Ensure that the transaction was given to a Charidy fundraising campaign.
Any donation made to one of our campaigns will contain ‘Charidy’ in the statement descriptor of the transaction. The charge will be titled ‘CHARIDY EXAMPLE ORGANIZATION NAME’.
If the transaction was not made through Charidy, we are not able to provide you with any additional information regarding the transaction. For more information, please use the contact information provided on your bank statement to contact the organization who processed the transaction.
- If you can ensure that the charge was unauthorized and it was processed through a Charidy fundraising campaign, please reach out to our team.
You can contact us using the ‘Submit a Request’ button in the top right corner of this page. Please include the transaction information with your request (the charge descriptor, date, value, and last 4 digits of your card charged). This will allow us to locate the transaction and provide you with more information.